How to protect your WhatsApp from hackers

1 year atrás

By Vinicius


WhatsApp is one of the most used messaging apps around the world, and is a great tool for keeping in touch with friends and family. However, hackers are increasingly looking for ways to clone WhatsApp accounts and gain access to personal information. In this article, we will present some tips and tricks to protect your WhatsApp account from hackers.

protect your WhatsApp

Enable two-factor authentication to protect your WhatsApp

Two-factor authentication is an additional layer of security for your WhatsApp account. It prevents hackers from accessing your account, even if they have your password. Two-factor authentication is easy to enable. Just follow the following steps:

  1. Open WhatsApp and go to Settings.
  2. Tap “Account”.
  3. Tap “Two-step confirmation”.
  4. Tap “Activate”.
  5. Enter a six-digit PIN and confirm.

Never share your verification code to protect your WhatsApp from hackers

The verification code is sent to the phone number registered to your WhatsApp account and is used to confirm the authenticity of your account. Never share this code with anyone. If someone asks for your verification code, ignore and report the request.


Don't use public Wi-Fi connections

Public Wi-Fi connections, such as those in cafes and shopping malls, can be dangerous as hackers can intercept the connection and access your data. Avoid using public Wi-Fi connections to connect to WhatsApp.

Configure WhatsApp privacy settings

WhatsApp has privacy settings that can help protect your personal information. You can choose who can see your profile photo, status, and information about your last login. To access privacy settings, follow these steps:

  1. Open WhatsApp and go to Settings.
  2. Tap “Account”.
  3. Tap “Privacy”.

Keep your app updated

Keeping the WhatsApp app updated is important to ensure you have the latest version, which usually includes security fixes. Make sure to update the app whenever a new version is available.

See too!

The security of your WhatsApp account is important and can be protected with a few simple tips, such as enabling two-factor authentication and choosing appropriate privacy settings. Keep your app updated and never share your verification code with anyone. By following these tips, you can protect your WhatsApp account from hackers and keep your personal information safe.


About the author


Vinicius is a technology lover who loves writing, downloading, testing different gadgets, applications and other things related to the mobile and technological world.

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