GPS Applications to Use Without Internet on Your Cell Phone

8 months atrás

By Vinicius


GPS technology has revolutionized the way we navigate the world. However, we often find ourselves in areas with limited or no internet coverage. Fortunately, there are GPS apps that can be used offline, without the need for an internet connection. This is possible by previously downloading the maps to the Android device, thus ensuring access to navigation anywhere. Let's explore some of the best GPS apps to use offline.

Google Maps

Google Maps is perhaps the most popular GPS app in the world. What many don't know is that it also offers offline functionality. You can select and download the map area you want to explore in advance. After downloading, you can access driving directions, create routes and search for specific places without any internet connection.

To use Google Maps offline, simply open the app on your Android device, go to the menu, select “Offline Maps” and “Select your own map”. After downloading, the application will work as a robust GPS, even without internet.



MAPS.ME is a dedicated application for offline use. Completely free, it allows you to download complete maps of countries and regions. Precision and detail are its biggest differentiators, even providing routes for trails and hikes in remote areas.

To use MAPS.ME, simply install the application on your Android and download the maps of interest before venturing out. The interface is user-friendly and navigation is very intuitive, which makes this application an excellent option for tourists and adventurers.


Here WeGo

Here WeGo is another navigation app that allows complete offline use. With it, the user has the possibility of downloading maps of entire countries, cities or regions. Navigation instructions are clear and detailed, and the app even offers real-time traffic information when connected to the internet.

The download process is simple: after installing the application on your Android device, go to the “Download maps” menu and select the areas of interest. Once downloaded, the maps will remain available for navigation without any connection required.


OsmAnd is an application based on OpenStreetMap (OSM) data, which is maintained by a global community. It offers navigation with or without the internet, with the advantage of having extremely detailed maps that are frequently updated by the community. Furthermore, it is an option much appreciated by cyclists and pedestrians, as it offers optimized routes for these means of transport.


To access the maps offline, you need to download them within the application. The free version of OsmAnd limits the number of downloads, but the paid version offers unlimited downloads and other advanced features.

Sygic GPS Navigation & Maps

Sygic is a GPS application that works completely offline, but also offers extra services when connected to the internet, such as real-time traffic information. This application stands out for its elegant user interface and the quality of its 3D maps, providing a superior navigation experience.

At Sygic, maps are downloaded directly from the application and they are updated free of charge. You can also receive turn-by-turn voice directions, which is a great help while driving.

In short, the choice of offline GPS app depends on the individual needs of each user. Whether for an international trip, an adventure in remote areas, or simply to save on mobile data, there are robust options available for Android devices. The offline functionality gives us the freedom to explore without the worry of always being connected to the internet.


About the author


Vinicius is a technology lover who loves writing, downloading, testing different gadgets, applications and other things related to the mobile and technological world.

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