How to start a conversation on WhatsApp: Best techniques!

2 years atrás

By Vinicius


In this digital age we live in, cell phones are a powerful tool for connecting with friends, family and strangers. But sometimes it's difficult to strike up a conversation with someone we've just met or someone we haven't seen in a long time. That's why we're here to help you strike up a conversation and start an interesting and enjoyable conversation.


Techniques for bringing up the subject

  1. Ask open-ended questions If you want to start an interesting conversation, closed-ended questions like “Do you like music?” they won't help much. Instead, try asking open-ended questions that allow the other person to talk more about themselves, like “What’s your favorite song and why?”
  2. Comment on the environment Commenting on the environment around you is a great way to start a conversation with someone you've just met. For example, you can comment on the weather or the music playing there.
  3. Use observation techniques Try to notice something interesting about the person you want to talk to and use that to start a conversation. For example, you can comment on the clothes the person is wearing or the book they are reading.
  4. Use a sincere compliment A sincere compliment can be a great way to start a pleasant, positive conversation. However, make sure the compliment is genuine and doesn't seem forced.

Common mistakes to avoid

  1. Don't force the conversation If the other person doesn't seem interested in talking, don't force the situation. Maybe she's busy or just isn't interested in talking to you.
  2. Don't be rude Make sure you are polite and respectful during the conversation. Avoid making disrespectful or offensive comments that may cause embarrassment.
  3. Don't monopolize the conversation Remember that a conversation should be an exchange of ideas between two people. Make sure you listen to what the other person has to say and avoid monopolizing the conversation.

See too!

Starting a conversation with someone can be a challenging task, but it doesn't have to be difficult. Using the techniques we present in this article, you can start an interesting and enjoyable conversation with practically anyone. Remember to avoid common mistakes, like forcing the conversation or being rude, and let the conversation flow naturally. With these tips, you'll be ready to strike up a conversation with confidence!


About the author


Vinicius is a technology lover who loves writing, downloading, testing different gadgets, applications and other things related to the mobile and technological world.

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