Applications to calculate electricity bill consumption

2 years atrás

By Vinicius


If you're like most people, you probably worry about the value of your electricity bill. After all, electrical energy is a basic need for modern life, but the costs can be high. Fortunately, there is a way to save money on your electricity bill: using apps to calculate your energy consumption.

In this article, we present the best apps for calculating energy consumption and how to use them to save money on your electricity bill. Let's start!

Applications to calculate consumption

Why use apps to calculate energy consumption?

Before we talk about the applications, it is important to understand why calculating energy consumption is important to save money on your electricity bill. By knowing how much energy you are consuming, you can identify which electronics and appliances are consuming the most energy and take steps to reduce consumption. This may include replacing incandescent lamps with LED lamps, turning off appliances when not in use, among other actions.


The best apps to calculate energy consumption

Now, let's introduce you to the best apps for calculating energy consumption.

1. Aneel Consumidor

The Aneel Consumidor app offers information and services to electricity consumers in Brazil, including data on electricity bills, consumption history, tariffs and complaints. The main features allow you to consult detailed information about your electricity bill and access data on historical consumption, helping to identify savings opportunities. Available for Android and iOS, the app is a useful tool for those who want to control their electricity costs.


2. Sustaining

The Sustentabilizando app raises awareness about sustainable practices, including saving electricity. It also helps to identify which appliances consume the most energy, reducing the environmental impact and expenses on the electricity bill. It is possible to adopt more sustainable habits with Sustentabilizando.


3. Calculate Energy Bill

The “Calculate Energy Account” app estimates the value of the user's electricity bill based on energy consumption in kWh, distributor tariff and other factors. This means you can avoid surprises when paying your bill and control your electricity costs. Available for Android, the app is easy to use and useful for anyone who wants to plan financially.

How to use apps to save money on your electricity bill?

Now that you know the best apps for calculating energy consumption, it's time to learn how to use them to save money on your electricity bill.

  1. Monitor power consumption: Use apps to monitor your home's energy consumption and identify which electronic devices are consuming the most energy.
  2. Identify the devices that are consuming the most energy: Based on the information provided by the applications, identify which devices are contributing most to energy consumption and look for ways to reduce consumption, such as turning off devices when they are not in use or switching to more efficient models.
  3. Choose the right lamp: Use Light Bulb Saver to choose the most efficient LED bulbs for each room in your home. LED bulbs consume less energy than incandescent and fluorescent bulbs, and last longer.
  4. Adjust the air conditioning temperature: Use apps to adjust the air conditioning temperature according to your routine and the weather. This can help reduce energy consumption and save money on your electricity bill.
  5. Track your electricity bill: Use apps like Aneel Consumidor to monitor your electricity bill and check if there are any errors or undue charges. This can help avoid unpleasant surprises when paying the bill.

See too!

These are just a few tips on how to use apps to save money on your electricity bill. With the help of these tools, it is possible to identify savings opportunities and adopt more sustainable practices in everyday life.


About the author


Vinicius is a technology lover who loves writing, downloading, testing different gadgets, applications and other things related to the mobile and technological world.

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