7 Apps to simulate haircuts.

2 years atrás

By Vinicius


Is cutting your hair simple or not? For many, cutting your hair can be really easy, just choosing one cut and do.

However, for others it is something very complicated, especially if you are an indecisive person and would also like to see yourself even with the haircut, and not imagine.

So, if you fit into this last option, the ideal thing to do is to have a simulator haircut in your hands to help in these moments of decision to make a new cut.

There are several options and we have put together a list of the best simulators to simulate women's haircut for you to enjoy and choose your new look.

1- May Kay Virtual Makeover.

This is the Mary Kay app, which is excellent and highly recommended for women who have a lot of doubts when it comes to getting a new haircut.

There are many hair options, as well as styles and cuts for you to see in your appearance, just with a photo you can take at that moment or one you already have.


Install by clicking here.

2- FaceApp.

FaceApp is an application that allows its users to carry out hair cuts so you can see which one feels even more beautiful, short, long, etc.

Furthermore, the platform offers coloring tests if you also want to color your hair, however, this last alternative is for the paid version of the application.

Install to Android It is iOS.


3- Virtual Hairstyler.

For those who appreciate a good amount when choosing their new look, Virtual Hairstyler is ideal! 

That's because this simulator has around 12,000 cutting options, as well as coloring options so you can also see a color you like to dye your locks.

You can choose to use your photo when viewing the hair, but if you prefer to see it another way, you can view the hair on models on the website itself.

4- Test the Hairstyle – Hairstyles and Cuts.

Through this application, you can, just like in other simulators, take a women's haircut test, but what sets it apart is the hairstyle test!

This way, in addition to seeing haircuts, you will be able to see hairstyles, even for the hairstyle you choose to adhere to.


Install by clicking here.

5- Style My Hair – L'Oréal.

And how about using 3D technology to see which haircut Does it look better on you and your style? Well, through this simulator this is what your test will be like, 3D!

You can try out the different size and style options and share all your results with anyone you want, or just the ones you like the most.

6- Beauty simulator – Vila Mulher.

This is the Vila Mulher simulator, which is widely used by those looking to change their haircut and want to visualize themselves with the new cut before cutting it!

Using this simulator, you can carry out tests with your photos that are very visible, so that a pleasant result can be obtained.

Another preference is that when capturing the photo, your hair is tied up so as not to interfere with the simulation, ok?

The site is easy to use and has many indications that will make your search for a new one even simpler. haircut.

Apps to simulate haircuts

7- Haircut simulator.

This simulator has more than 10,000 alternative options. haircut that are offered and that have updates every month.

What's more, the app is completely free and you can even print the cuts you like the most, in addition to being able to share them with whoever you want!


About the author


Vinicius is a technology lover who loves writing, downloading, testing different gadgets, applications and other things related to the mobile and technological world.

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