Best apps to see your city via satellite

3 years atrás

By Vinicius


Whether you want to find a location or just out of curiosity, here are the best apps to view your city via satellite. And thus find any address, location in real time and quickly!

Do you want to see the city map via satellite? Are you looking for a hotel or a friend's house? Well, there are excellent apps that allow you to see any part of the city for free!

With this, you can get anywhere much easier and faster. In fact, these apps are widely used for people to locate themselves via GPS, whether for work, fun or meetings with friends and family. 

Therefore, you don't waste time in traffic or you even have the chance of not being late because you don't know the exact location. Therefore, they can save you at that time when you are lost and urgently need an app to help with your search! 

Best apps to see your city via satellite

Best apps to see your city via satellite

These best apps for seeing your city via satellite present images making the experience much more beneficial. Furthermore, it makes your journey easier by getting to your destination faster. 

So, do you want to get to that place where your friend is waiting for you? Anyway, get to know these apps, choose yours and enjoy all the features. 

Google Maps 

Google Maps offers a complete service for viewing locations via satellite and images. It is also the most well-known, famous and present application in many people's daily lives. 


Therefore, with it you can see the images, the traffic condition in a certain location and whether or not there is an accident that is blocking the passage of vehicles. 

And how to use it? So, just open Google Maps on your cell phone. After that, select the “satellite” option.

Finally, through this step, you can now use this app to access anywhere you want in your city. 



Another app for you to see the location of your city is Waze, a modern, robust and useful app. Therefore, it is helping people to find out about routes and traffic. 

This way, you can receive alerts, traffic conditions, it helps you have a better route to get to a certain place. Additionally, it provides detailed data about the weather at that exact moment. 

And, best of all, it's available for free. Anyway, you can download it on both Android and iOS devices.


This Maps.Me application can also be excellent for you who want to travel to a city and enjoy the places. Especially because it quickly provides a better route to the city's tourist attractions. 

So, you will be able to see hotels, inns, restaurants, gas stations and any place you want to know. Additionally, you have an app that offers tools for easier access. So, enjoy, download and start using. 

Finally, it is available for Android and iOS, making life easier for everyone who needs to get around quickly and accurately. 


About the author


Vinicius is a technology lover who loves writing, downloading, testing different gadgets, applications and other things related to the mobile and technological world.

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