Applications to listen to music without internet

1 year atrás

By Vinicius


If you are a music lover but don't want to spend your mobile data to listen to your favorite songs, then you need to know the apps to listen to music without internet. These apps allow you to listen to your favorite music anywhere, anytime, without needing to be connected to the internet. In this article, you will learn about the best apps for listening to music without internet in Portuguese and how to use them.

Applications for listening to music without internet are music streaming applications that allow you to download music to your mobile device and listen to it when you are not connected to the internet. This is ideal for those who don't want to spend their mobile data or don't have a reliable internet connection at all times.

The Best Apps to Listen to Music Without the Internet

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There are many applications for listening to music without internet available, but not all of them are good. Below are some of the best apps for listening to music without internet in Portuguese.


1. Spotify

Spotify is one of the most popular apps for listening to music. It has a huge library of songs and playlists created by users. With the premium version, you can download your favorite songs for offline listening. The app also allows you to discover new music based on your preferences.


2. Deezer

Deezer is another popular app for listening to music. It has a library of over 73 million songs and allows you to download your favorite songs for offline listening. It also has features like song lyrics, podcasts, and live radio.

3. Apple Music

Apple Music is a music streaming app that allows you to download music for offline listening. It has a library of over 75 million songs and allows you to listen to your favorite music without ads. It also has features like live radio stations and personalized playlists.


4. Tidal

Tidal is a music streaming app that has a library of over 70 million songs. It allows you to download music for offline listening and has features like high-quality music videos and exclusive events.

5. Soundcloud

Soundcloud is a music streaming platform that allows users to upload and share their own music. Although it is not a specific application for listening to music without internet, it allows users to download their own music for offline listening. Additionally, Soundcloud has a large library of music from independent and emerging artists, making it a great option for discovering new music.

If you are a music lover, you should definitely try these apps and discover new music to listen to. With the ability to download music for offline listening, you'll never be without your favorite music again, even when you don't have an internet connection available.


About the author


Vinicius is a technology lover who loves writing, downloading, testing different gadgets, applications and other things related to the mobile and technological world.

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