See how to search for job openings online in the app

2 years atrás

By Vinicius


The search for jobs on LinkedIn could be very effective in finding job opportunities faster. The platform offers several properties that few people know about and that have the potential to help those looking to rediscover themselves.

The job search tool, for example, has advanced “secret” commands that allow you to filter vacancies or combine results, showing vacancies closest to the candidate's profile. How does LinkedIn work? Let's see some tips for using the tool.

Let's get to know a little more about jobs In addition to all the resources and tools on the LinkedIn platform, which is considered the best in the world today, there, you will certainly be able to find the job of your dreams, in addition to being able to follow several companies that you are interested in one day being able to to work.

Image: (Google) Job vacancies


LinkedIn allows users to create job alerts and flag recruiters who are trying to find a job. The platform also allows candidates to locate vacancies or remote positions recently published by organizations. See what we've prepared for finding a job on LinkedIn.


Note that these modifiers locate terms in the job specification, not in the job title or location fields. NOT: type the term “NOT” (in capital letters) before a term to exclude it from the search results. For example, the query for “Engineer ”NOT Director” will show engineering job openings that remain open, except for Director positions.

Enter the term OR (in capital letters) to find jobs in different areas of interest in the same query. For example, the “Marketing or Advertising” niche will reveal vacancies in both areas of the market. AND: Type the term “AND” (in capital letters) to discover results that include all resources in a list. For example, a search for the phrase “accountant” AND “finance” will return job openings for all of these positions.

Other tips for getting job openings

PARENTHESIS: use parentheses to combine the terms above to generate an even more refined search. For example, if you search for the phrase “accountant and finance (manager or director)” you will find vacancies in accounting and finance, precisely for manager or director positions.


Following organizations that do dream work is of paramount importance as they have their own LinkedIn profiles, by following the pages of these organizations they can put you ahead of the game when it comes to finding a position. Many companies advertise their vacancies in regular posts on the social network, describing recruitment details and how people can apply.

Therefore, following the profile of the company you want to work for can be an interesting plan to know immediately when a vacancy will open. Following organizations' LinkedIn pages can be effective in finding job offers that are a good match for you.


Important Details

Other app tools

LinkedIn's search tool allows users to find specific work-from-home jobs, a feature that can be useful for locating jobs in distant cities and increasing employment opportunities. To search for these vacancies, click on “Jobs” and search for what you want. Once the results appear on the screen, click on “Find Location” and select the “Remote Jobs” option.

LinkedIn allows users to reveal that they are looking for work in a simple way: by adding the “Open for work” option to their profile photo. This option is shaped like a green ring that indicates to recruiters and the network that this person is available to receive job offers.

To place the Open to Work badge on LinkedIn, simply access your profile, edit the “Looking for work” field and activate the option to share with the entire LinkedIn network that you are looking for opportunities. It really is a very complete platform with many features.

Search recently posted jobs using quotes

Using quotes in the search engine can make it easier to search for specific jobs. However, using this command in combination with another function can be even more useful for finding newly posted jobs. To do this, perform a normal search and, in the “Tags” menu at the top of the screen, filter the results by selecting the “Messages” button. Once this is done, LinkedIn will show recent posts with that keyword. The job list may include recently opened jobs.

For more information and tips about employment, visit our application category, there you will find a wide range of jobs, as well as useful applications for your daily life. It's worth remembering that it's always a good idea to try to find a job that matches your profile, to be pleasant for you and the employer.

Good luck!


About the author


Vinicius is a technology lover who loves writing, downloading, testing different gadgets, applications and other things related to the mobile and technological world.

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