Discover 3 Apps to Detect Gold

2 years atrás

By Vinicius


Nowadays, mobile apps encompass an incredible range of functions, covering virtually every need and interest. For technology enthusiasts and those curious about discovering innovative tools, we present a selection of fascinating applications for gold detection. Ideal for fun times with friends, these apps turn your smartphone into a metal detector. Let's explore three of these interesting options!

Metal Detector

This app is a popular choice for detecting gold and other metals, available for free to both iOS and Android users. It works like a digital compass, identifying magnetic fields and being able to locate items such as coins, earrings, keys and other metallic objects.


Smart Metal Detector

In continuation, the Smart Metal Detector, also available for both systems: Android and iOS, is a great option for a simple and easy gold scanner. In other words, with your smartphone's magnetic sensor, you can change the detection sensitivity to easily find objects.

Metal and gold detector

Finally, the Metal and Gold Detector is another free option that is only available on the Android system. Like the previous options, this tool also works as if it were a magnetic compass, capturing sensitivity and issuing alerts when it detects gold and similar metallic objects.


The apps can be easily downloaded from the respective app stores:


Metal Detector (iOS It is Android)

Smart Metal Detector (iOS It is Android)

Metal and gold detector (Android)


About the author


Vinicius is a technology lover who loves writing, downloading, testing different gadgets, applications and other things related to the mobile and technological world.

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