Apps to weigh yourself without needing a scale

8 months atrás

By Vinicius


Technological advancement in smartphones has brought a variety of applications capable of performing surprising tasks. Among them is the possibility of weighing yourself without the need for a traditional scale. These apps offer a convenient and quick way to monitor your weight, making them particularly useful for those who are always on the go or don't have a scale nearby. Let's explore some of these apps, available for download on Android devices, that have been gaining popularity.

Weight Estimator

“Weight Estimator” is an innovative application that uses artificial intelligence algorithms to estimate the user's weight. After downloading, the app asks the user to enter some basic information, such as height and age, and take a full-body photo. The app then analyzes the image to provide a rough weight estimate. Its user-friendly interface and accurate estimates make it a popular choice among Android users looking for a quick way to monitor their weight.


Body Scale

“Body Scale” is another notable application that stands out for its simplicity and effectiveness. This app asks the user to place the phone on the floor and carefully climb onto it (although the phone doesn't physically measure weight). The app then uses the device's sensors and user-entered data to calculate a weight estimate. This app is ideal for anyone looking for a quick and easy solution to weight estimates.



“FitTrack” is a more comprehensive application, which in addition to estimating weight, offers a series of other features related to fitness and health. Once downloaded, the app allows users to track not only their estimated weight but also other health metrics such as body mass index (BMI) and body fat percentage. FitTrack is perfect for those looking for a more complete application to manage different aspects of their health.


Smart Weight Scale

“Smart Weight Scale” is an application that stands out for its intuitive and easy-to-use interface. After downloading, users can enter their height and age information, and the app uses this data, along with advanced algorithms, to provide a weight estimate. This app is ideal for those who prefer a more direct and less technical approach to estimating weight.


Apps for estimating weight without the need for a physical scale are becoming increasingly popular, especially among Android device users. They offer a convenient and quick way to monitor weight, ideal for those who are always on the go or don't have easy access to a scale. While these apps don't replace traditional scales in terms of accuracy, they are useful tools for getting a general idea of weight and tracking changes over time. With the continued advancement of mobile technology, we are likely to see more innovations in this area in the future.


About the author


Vinicius is a technology lover who loves writing, downloading, testing different gadgets, applications and other things related to the mobile and technological world.

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