Egg timer: set the right time with this App

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By vinicius


Cooking an egg may seem like a simple task, but many people have trouble getting it just right. Sometimes the egg is too soft, other times it is too hard. But now, with Boiled Egg Timer, everything is easier! This app was specially developed to help anyone who wants to cook eggs perfectly. In this article, we'll explain how the egg timer works and how you can use the app to cook eggs just right.

egg timer

Egg timer: how does it work?

Egg Timer is a free app that is available for iOS and Android. It is very easy to use and offers several options so you can cook the egg the way you like. See how it works:

Step 1: Download the app To get started, you need to download Boiled Egg Timer to your mobile phone. It is available on the App Store and Google Play.


Step 2: Select egg option After downloading the app, open it and select the egg option you want to cook. There are several options such as hot egg, medium egg and hard egg.


Step 3: Choose Egg Size Next, you need to choose the egg size. There are options for small, medium and large eggs.

Step 4: Select the cooking point Now it's time to select the cooking point you want. The app offers several options, from softer eggs to harder eggs.


Step 5: Start the timer After selecting all the options, just start the timer and wait until the time runs out. When the time is up, the app will beep to let you know the egg is ready.

Tips for cooking perfect eggs with the Egg Timer

Now that you know how to use the Boiled Egg Timer, let's give you some tips so you can cook perfect eggs:


  1. Is egg timer free? Yes, Boiled Egg Timer is a free app that is available for download on the App Store and Google Play.
  2. Does the egg timer work on all types of eggs? Yes, Boiled Egg Timer offers options for small, medium and large eggs, so you can cook any type of egg with the app.
  3. Can I use the egg timer to cook several eggs at once? Yes, you can use the Boiled Egg Timer to cook multiple eggs at once. Simply select the size and cooking point options for each egg.

See too!

Cooking eggs can be a challenging task, but with the egg timer, everything is made easier. This app is very useful for anyone who wants to cook eggs perfectly, whether for breakfast, a snack or a recipe. With the Boiled Egg Timer, you can choose the cooking point you prefer and ensure your eggs are delicious every time. Download the app right now and try it out!


About the author


Vinicius is a technology lover who loves to write, download, test various gadgets, applications and other things related to the mobile and technological world.

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