How to play Call Of Duty for free on mobile?

1 ano atrás

By vinicius


Without a doubt, Call of Duty is a game that has won the hearts of many people. With that in mind, the question that remains is: how to play call of duty for free on mobile?

Therefore, to help you understand more about how to play Call Of Duty for free on mobile, we have prepared today's article on the subject. Want to know more? So follow with me right now!

Minimum requirements 

Before going into the heart of this guide and explaining how to play Call of Duty Mobile, it can be useful for you to know what are the minimum requirements necessary for the game to work and what devices are supported.

First, you should know that Call of Duty Mobile is a spin-off of Call of Duty, the world's best-selling first-person shooter. 


This is a free version (with the possibility of purchase) designed exclusively for mobile devices that, for the first time, allows you to play the famous video game from mobile phones and tablets.

That said, Call of Duty Mobile is available as a free app for Android devices running Android 4.3 or later and iPhone/iPad running iOS 9 or later.


How to play Call Of Duty for free on mobile?

All you have to do to download Call of Duty Mobile for free for Android and iOS/iPadOS is access your device's store, search for the game in question and start downloading it.

When launching Call of Duty Mobile for the first time, wait for the game updates to download and press the Accept button to accept the app's terms of use and privacy policy. 

Once done, choose your preferred access method to start playing Call of Duty Mobile:3

How to play Call Of Duty for free on mobile?

If you chose to log in with your Facebook account, click Continue…enter your account details in the fields: mobile number or Facebook email address and password and tap Log in. 

Now, regardless of the access mode you choose, create your character through Create a Character. 

After that, you are ready to start playing Call of Duty Mobile. First, press Continue to participate in training and learn basic game commands. 

Then follow the on-screen instructions and try to put them into practice to learn how to move, shoot, aim and kill enemies. At any time, you can stop your training by pressing the Skip button in the upper right corner.

Once you've completed the training camp, tap the Continue button to receive 100 coins that you can use to buy your first weapon from the in-game store.


About the author


Vinicius is a technology lover who loves to write, download, test various gadgets, applications and other things related to the mobile and technological world.

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