Memory full? Check out 3 Apps to clean your cell phone

2 anos atrás

By vinicius


Are you looking for a way to to clean your cell phone? We will suggest for you the 3 best apps  for you to clean him, whenever he is with the memory full.

With the innovation and advancement of technological means, files have become increasingly larger, due to their quality. Therefore, this ends up overloading the memory of cell phones that often cannot cope with this growth.

For this reason, there is a need to have some application to do the cell phone cleaning. Nowadays, with the help of our cell phone, we can do a variety of things, so it's very important to always keep it close at hand.

Needless to say, the smartphones are becoming more practical and dynamic. They are also very easy to use. As users, we really like this practicality that cell phones provide us, but it is important to remember that we need to be aware of some changes that technological means frequently undergo.

cell phone cleaning apps

Because every smartphone when used frequently stores in its memory a lot of information and many files that are often unnecessary, this causes your smartphone to crash much more often and this is due to the excess of information and files that can be deleted, thus improving , the operation of your cell phone. With that in mind, we created this article to help you with this matter.

Crashing and Overloaded Smartphone. With our smartphone in hand, we can carry out any type of task involving technology, and it is important to note that there are several applications for carrying out these tasks.

Because they offer a lot of convenience, apps are gaining more and more popularity among people. because we always need to use our smartphone to do different things like buy, sell something, register or even play, and for that there are a variety of applications that help us to fulfill all these tasks that are important during our daily routine.


However, this can be one of the main reasons why your cell phone is overloaded and with that its performance can be significantly reduced. Below are 3 main applications to clean your smartphone.

the clean phone

First of all let's summarize here what are the functions of this free app that you can install on your mobile. The first function is to clear the apps cache. Basically, it analyzes installed apps and cleans out what is useless.

It also cleans log files, temp files, history files, ads. And it gives you more space on your smartphone. By closing background apps, it also frees up memory and speeds up your phone up to 60%.

It also has the game accelerator, which is a shortcut to free up space when you start your favorite game. In the case of the battery, the economy comes because it closes the apps when you are low on power. And it can still clear unwanted notifications.

How to download the app?

If you want to do the same as Simone, know that the application page is this here. There you can read everything related to the program and follow the steps indicated to download it on your cell phone.

How to clean smartphone with Norton Clean

When it comes to cleaning cell phones, the Norton Clean application is considered one of the best, as it is very simple to use by anyone.


When this application is installed, it optimizes the cell's memory and deletes those files that are not being used, often even deleting an application always ends up leaving some residue that is not noticed.

Norton Clean cleans memory and cache data from storage, but for this app to work perfectly, you first need to give it permission, being released in 2017 by Norton Labs. In addition, the application already has more than 5 million downloads in the Android Play Store and Apple Store.

This application is only 8 MB, and it is very light compared to its efficiency.

● Clear system cache.

● Identify and remove junk application residual packages.

● Optimize memory space.

● Manage and remove bloatware from applications.


CCleaner – Mobile Cleaner App

Another very popular app to clean your phone is CCleaner. Just like the app we mentioned earlier, it's also very effective. This app allows you to optimize your phone and delete files more securely. It makes processing faster. Making the device run faster. It's simple to use on any cell phone.

With its help, you clean the cache of applications, downloaded files, your browser history and the content you copied from the clipboard. And on top of all that, you can also get notified about data usage and even battery level.

CCleaner is one of the most popular apps that we have selected for you. It has more than 100 million downloads on Google Play app stores. Your rating is 4.8 stars, a great rating, right? Check out what this app offers to make your phone faster.

● It allows your Android smartphone to process information much faster.

● Uninstall unwanted or malicious apps.

● Scania app helps free up space on your smartphone

● Remove any files that are no longer being used.

Free up space on your phone with Google Files

  Do you know the Files app? It is a Google application that helps to improve the memory of your cell phone, as it cleans the memory of smartphones with Android system.

This application allows you to delete unnecessary files from your phone's memory, remove duplicate photos, uninstall not-used applications, and also compress large files.  

The Files application by Google It is a management tool, launched in 2017 and with more than 1 billion downloads in the app stores of the Google Play It is apple store. It currently has a 4.7 star rating. These are the benefits that Files offers you:

Clean junk files on your smartphone to create more space.


About the author


Vinicius is a technology lover who loves to write, download, test various gadgets, applications and other things related to the mobile and technological world.

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