Find out who you were in your past life

3 anos atrás

By vinicius


Have you ever wondered who you were in past life? If so, we now have a website and an app that can help answer these questions.

Therefore, to help you understand more about who you were in your past life, we have prepared today's article on the subject. Want to know more? So follow right now!

First of all, what are past lives?

Past life belief is the idea that a person's soul or spirit already existed in one or more previous lives before their current life. 

It is a belief present in some religions and philosophies, such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Spiritualism, among others. 


The idea is that experiences in previous lives influence the present life and that the soul or spirit continues to evolve through multiple incarnations. However, the existence of past lives is not scientifically proven.

How does the WeMystic website work?

The WeMystic website is a content portal about spirituality, astrology, tarot, well-being and other related areas. 

It offers articles, daily horoscopes, online tarot consultations, courses, digital books and other resources for those seeking information and practices related to self-knowledge and improving the quality of life.

On the site, users can browse the different topics and delve deeper into subjects of interest. It is also possible to interact with the WeMystic community, share experiences and ask questions with experts who contribute to the site.


There are several articles on reincarnation that you can read to understand what your life was like in the past. However, it must be made clear that nothing is completely certain. It really depends on your interpretation.

How does the Who Were You in a Life Before app work?

The app “Who were you in a lifetime before?” is one of many entertainment apps available for download on smartphones and tablets. 

It allows users to discover who they were in a past life based on their answers to a few simple questions.


Upon accessing the app, users are greeted with a series of questions about their preferences, personality and experiences. 

User responses are analyzed by an algorithm that uses reincarnation theory and other spiritual beliefs to determine who the user was in their life. past life

The algorithm can take into account things like the user's personality, skills and talents, as well as important events in their current life.

Once the questions are answered, the user receives a detailed description of the past life that the algorithm determined. 

This can include information about where the person was born, their profession, their personality and unique characteristics, as well as details about important events in their past life.

While the app may be an interesting diversion for some people, it's important to remember that it has no scientific or proven basis. 

Also, the algorithm used by the app is not based on any solid or reliable research.


About the author


Vinicius is a technology lover who loves to write, download, test various gadgets, applications and other things related to the mobile and technological world.

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