How to turn your photos into amazing drawings!

1 ano atrás

By vinicius


If you're a fan of photography and love to edit your images, you've probably come across the possibility of turning your photos into drawings. This type of editing can give your images an artistic and distinctive touch, and best of all, it's really easy to do!

In this article, we'll teach you step-by-step how to turn your photos into drawings using simple and free tools. Also, we'll give you valuable tips so you can create amazing designs and stand out on social media.

how to transform your photos

Tutorial on how to turn your photos into drawings

  1. Choose image and drawing style

Before you start editing your photo, it's important to choose which drawing style you want to apply. There are several options available, from pencil drawings to more elaborate illustrations. Choose a style that matches the image and that you like.

  1. Download a photo editing app

There are many photo editing apps available, but not all of them offer the option to turn photos into drawings. We recommend the “Sketch Me!” app, available for free on iOS and Android.

  1. Open the photo in the app and apply the effect

After choosing the image and drawing style, open the photo in the “Sketch Me!” app. Select the “Gallery” option and choose the image you want to edit. Then select the drawing style you chose in the previous step.

  1. adjust the settings

Each drawing style has its own settings, such as effect intensity and stroke weight. Experiment with adjusting these settings until you get the result you want.

  1. Save and share the result

When you are satisfied with the result, save the image and share it on social networks. Be sure to use relevant hashtags so more people can discover your work.

See too!

Turning your photos into drawings can be a fun and creative way to express yourself through photography. With the tips in this article, you can create amazing designs and stand out on social media. Try different styles and have fun editing your photos!


About the author


Vinicius is a technology lover who loves to write, download, test various gadgets, applications and other things related to the mobile and technological world.

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