Calculate your retirement with the INSS Simulator

1 ano atrás

By vinicius


If you're wondering when you can retire, the INSS simulator can help you find out. Through a simple online tool, you can calculate how much time is left for you to reach the necessary requirements to calculate your retirement and start enjoying the benefits of your work.

The simulator is a free tool offered by the National Institute of Social Security (INSS), which allows you to enter your personal, contribution and income data, and then calculate when you will be able to retire. It's an easy and convenient way to plan your financial future and prepare for retirement.

calculate your retirement

Step by Step: How to use the INSS simulator to calculate your retirement

Step by Step to Use the INSS Simulator

  1. Go to the INSS website and look for the retirement simulation tool.
  2. Enter your personal information, including full name, date of birth, social security number, and date of employment.
  3. Enter your contribution information, including the number of contributions already made to the INSS and the contribution salary amount.
  4. Select the type of retirement you want to simulate: by age, contribution time or points.
  5. Check the entered data and click on “calculate” to obtain the simulation result.

The INSS simulator is a very useful tool for anyone who wants to plan financially for the future. With it, it is possible to know how much time is left for you to reach the necessary requirements to retire and start enjoying the benefits of your work.


Retirement benefits

When you retire, it is important to remember that you will be entitled to several benefits that can improve your quality of life and ensure your financial security in the future. Some of these benefits include:


Each of these benefits has its own requirements and specific rules, but the INSS simulator can help you better understand how they work and plan your retirement according to your needs.

See too!

Retirement is an important time in any worker's life, and it is essential that you plan for it in advance. The INSS simulator is a free and easy-to-use tool that can help you find out how much time is left before you can retire and start enjoying the benefits of your job.

Don't leave it to the last minute, start planning your retirement today and guarantee a more peaceful and secure future for you and your family.


About the author


Vinicius is a technology lover who loves to write, download, test various gadgets, applications and other things related to the mobile and technological world.

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