Apps to meet new people and make friends

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By vinicius


These days, many people turn to apps to meet people. With the increasing digital presence in people's lives, friendship apps have become an increasingly popular option for anyone looking to expand their social circle. In this article, we're going to talk about some of the best apps for meeting people and making true friendships.

Apps to meet people

The 5 Best Friendship Apps to Meet New People

Bumble BFF:

Bumble BFF is an app created by the same team that created Bumble for romantic relationships. However, BFF is a version of the app aimed at those looking to make friends. The app lets you create a profile, swipe right or left on profiles of people you'd like to meet, and send a message to start a conversation.



Patook is a unique friendship app where you answer questions to help find people with similar interests. The app also uses an algorithm to help find friends who are compatible with you and has a zero-tolerance approach to any inappropriate behavior.



Meetup is an app that helps connect people with common interests at live events. The app allows you to find local events that are relevant to your interests and attend them to meet people with similar interests.



Friender is an app similar to Bumble BFF, where you can create a profile, swipe right or left on profiles of people you'd like to meet, and send a message to start a conversation. The app is focused on creating lasting friendships and has a strong user community.

Hey! VINE:

The Hey! VINA is another female-only friendship app. The app lets you create a profile, find other women with similar interests, and send them a message to start a conversation.

See too!

If you're looking to make new friends, trying one of these apps might be a great option. Remember to be honest and authentic in your profile, and don't be afraid to strike up a conversation with someone you think might have a connection with you.


About the author


Vinicius is a technology lover who loves to write, download, test various gadgets, applications and other things related to the mobile and technological world.

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