Apps to calculate calories that help with weight loss

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By vinicius


If you're looking for an efficient way to lose weight, you may have heard of apps to calculate calories. These tools are increasingly popular among those looking to control their diet and lose weight in a healthy way. After all, knowing how many calories we are consuming and spending is essential to achieve our goals.

In this article, we are going to present the best apps to calculate calories that help you lose weight. In addition, we will explain how these tools work and how they can be useful for those looking to lose weight in a healthy way. Check out!

Apps to calculate calories

How do calorie calculator apps work?

Apps to calculate calories work like a food diary, where you record everything you eat and drink throughout the day. From these records, the tool calculates how many calories you are consuming and how many you can still consume to reach your weight loss goal.

Some apps also allow you to record the physical activities you perform throughout the day to calculate how many calories you are burning. Thus, you have complete control of what you are consuming and burning, which is essential for healthy weight loss.


The best apps to calculate calories that help with weight loss

Now that you know how the apps work, let's present the best ones to help you lose weight:


MyFitnessPal is one of the most popular apps for calculating calories. It allows you to record everything you eat throughout the day, in addition to providing a vast food database to facilitate recording. In addition, the tool also allows you to record the physical activities you perform, to calculate how many calories you are burning.



FatSecret is another excellent app option for calculating calories. It also has a database with more than 1 million foods, making it easy to record meals. In addition, the tool also allows you to track the evolution of your weight over time.


Lifesum is an application for those looking to lose weight in a healthy way. In addition to calculating consumed and expended calories, it also provides healthy eating tips and recipe suggestions. In addition, the tool allows you to define your weight loss goals and monitor your evolution over time.

How can calorie calculator apps help with weight loss?

The apps have several advantages for those looking to lose weight in a healthy way. In addition to making it easier to keep track of meals, these tools also allow you to:



Finally, let's answer some frequently asked questions about calorie calculator apps:

Is it safe to use apps to calculate calories? Yes, it is safe to use. These tools are developed by healthcare professionals and adhere to strict data security standards.

Do the apps replace consultation with a nutritionist? No, the apps do not replace consultation with a nutritionist. These tools are complementary to the health professional's work, and can help with diet control.

What's the best app? There is no best calorie calculator app as everyone has different needs and goals. Therefore, it is important to try different tools and choose the one that best suits your needs.

See too!

Apps to calculate calories are a useful tool for those looking to lose weight in a healthy way. They allow you to take complete control of your diet, identify unhealthy eating habits, and set realistic goals for achieving your goals. In addition, these tools are safe and complementary to the nutritionist's work. So try these apps to calculate calories that help you lose weight and see how they can make your life easier and bring positive results for your health!


About the author


Vinicius is a technology lover who loves to write, download, test various gadgets, applications and other things related to the mobile and technological world.

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