Apps to make you look younger in photos

2 anos atrás

By vinicius


Eternal youth is a fantasy that, at least for now, is far from reality. Medicine and science, as well as the industry behind cosmetics and rejuvenation products, are trying to discover the secrets to make anyone younger, but despite advances, little can be done to delay aging much. However, there are apps that make you younger who can help!

To help you understand more about the apps that make you younger I prepared today's article on the subject. Interested in finding out more? So follow with me right now!

What apps make you younger?

App to age photos
App Simulate Haircut
App Simulate Beard


FaceApp is probably one of the most popular photo retouching apps in recent months. To any photo we can add effects to radically change our appearance.

In this way, we can choose whether we want a person to look younger, older or like a small child. You also have the possibility to change your gender and see how you would look like a woman or a man. Laughter with the results is assured.

In addition, the application gives you the option to look younger or older, on FaceApp you can also find many other effects. 

For example, you have the option of adding a smile to a photo in which you came across as very serious. You can also add makeup, change your hairstyle or see what a tattoo would look like.

The options for changing your image are very wide.

FaceApp's popularity has been such that it already has over 100 million downloads on the Play Store. It's completely free, and to download it you only need a cell phone with Android 5.0 or higher.


Available on Android and iOS.

perfect me

Perfect Me is an application that has a wide variety of filters and effects to make your image in your photos totally perfect.

You can use it to give your photos a more youthful look. But you can also do many other touch-ups like retouching your body to make it perfect. 

If you want to have a thinner waist in a specific photo, or make changes to your chest, buttocks or abs, thanks to this application you can do it easily and with just a few taps.

If you want to try to look younger, the most useful tools will be perfecting your face. Among them you have one to smooth the skin with which you can avoid the small wrinkles left by age. And you also have the option of getting rid of acne if you are in your teens.

Have you ever used any of these apps? Do you know of any other apps that might be helpful in trying to look younger? I invite you to tell us about them in the comments section at the bottom of this article.

Available on Android and iOS.



That's what you read. It still exists! 

Snapchat, considered almost dead by many, still lives on. 

At first, did you know that he was one of the pioneers when it comes to age filters?

Before others thought of existing, he was already going viral on the networks.

The coolest part is that with it you can make videos with this effect. 

Using is super easy. Just open the camera through the app, select the filter and that's it. 


Make very funny photos and videos. 

Available on Android and iOS.


This app is a little different from the others. 

The others, rejuvenating was done through a filter. 

However, FaceTune goes a step further. It's like photoshop.

There are several features, such as face modeling, chin height, nose tuning and pimple removal, for example. 

But since today we are talking about rejuvenation, one of its functionalities is to soften. 

You see all your fine lines and wrinkles smoothed out, giving you a younger feeling. 

There are so many features that you will spend hours messing with this application. 

You can even use it to edit your photos to post on the networks.

Tools like luminosity, contrast and shadows, to make your photos even more beautiful. 

It's important to point out that Facetune is an app for having fun.

Available on Android and iOS.

Like to know more about the apps that make you younger? So be sure to follow the other articles on the blog, I have many other news for you!


About the author


Vinicius is a technology lover who loves to write, download, test various gadgets, applications and other things related to the mobile and technological world.

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