Apps for aging – 3 great options

2 anos atrás

By vinicius


Apps to age have become popular and more considered by the vast majority of people. So, among the many that exist, here are 3 great options for you to use in your photos and give them an old-fashioned look.

You've probably already seen that friend posting an old photo on his social network, that is, with a retro or vintage look. And, certainly, if you enjoy this type of image, you must have been curious how he achieved such a perfect transformation.

So, it's very simple and anyone can get this kind of photo too! In addition, you have the convenience of using a tool that really makes the photo look very old, as if it really was taken a long time ago. 

And the best thing is that you get everything for free, which is even better, right? So, just download and start using it. 


For that, here are 3 great options that you can analyze each one and choose the one that you like best. So check it out!

Apps for aging – 3 great options

Even with modern and perfect cameras, there are still people who prefer to use an aged photo. And, depending on the purpose, whether for professional purposes or hobbies, the image is excellent!

And if you need aging apps, here are 3 fantastic options:


1 – Pixlr

One of the best aging apps where you can easily use perfect filters and frames. Therefore, it is available for both Android and iPhone. 

In addition, it is possible to use resources that contribute to the image really having a retro look. So, download it to your cell phone and enjoy everything it has to offer, including other types of more innovative images. 


2 – Retromatic 2.0

As its name suggests, retromatic 2.0 has become a number 1 app in offering a photo with an old and retro look. Therefore, you can use the various filters and effects to age your photo according to your purpose.

Also, you can use the different stickers available in the app. Also, you can share photos on your social network easily. However, for now, it is only available for iPhone users. 

Anyway, one of the best in image editing that ages the photo. So give it a try right now! 

3 – Cymera is one of the good quality aging apps 

Lastly, here's a perfect app to help you age your photos. And, thus, leave it with that more vintage or retro look, with a superior quality to all the others. 

Also Cymera is very complete, offering smart, modern and innovative features. Soon, you have several tools that will help your photos to become more and more beautiful. So give it a try today.

Here you have discovered 3 app options to age your photos with modern features. And now you can start transforming your images into a more aged tone, as if you were in a very ancient time.


About the author


Vinicius is a technology lover who loves to write, download, test various gadgets, applications and other things related to the mobile and technological world.

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