Application to make digital signage on mobile

2 anos atrás

By vinicius


Do you want to dynamically create phrases or write a single word to appear on your device's display? So, get to know this app to make a digital sign on your cell phone and unleash your creativity!

From time to time, do you want to bring news on your cell phone? Therefore, make it more attractive, enigmatic and dynamic in its appearance or as soon as you pick it up to use. 

In this way, we can customize the way we want, whether on the device's screen or when using the message keys, among others. And these formatting make the cell phone a bit like us, right?

Well, today you'll learn how to put digital letters on your cell phone with a fantastic application! So check it out below!


Application to make digital signage on mobile

With the application to make a digital sign on your cell phone you will be able to change the background color. You can also write whatever you want on the device's screen, from motivational messages to Bible verses. 

And, best of all, these phrases or words can keep moving, with little or a lot of speed. With this, the digital signs will be dynamic, with movements according to your taste. 


So, check out the app that you should download on your cell phone.

LED Digital Sign

This digital LED sign app is a resource that you can download to your mobile phone. And even customize the letters on your display any way you want.

You can also let the text scroll on the screen, in a slow, medium or fast way. Everything the way you want it. 


Besides, you'll be able to share messages with your friends in a very fun, dynamic way. And it is available for Android from model 5.0 and version 1.8.

Therefore, among the features offered, here are the following:

In general, many users liked this application, but like any other, it has ads. And they are annoying, but nothing exceeds the quality of the application and the efficiency with which digital signs are made. 

Soon, it received a score of 4.8 in reviews and is certainly one of the best in the category of creation, editing, etc. 

How to use digital marquee app?

Now that you know a little about the mobile digital signage application, see below for a step-by-step on how to get started.


About the author


Vinicius is a technology lover who loves to write, download, test various gadgets, applications and other things related to the mobile and technological world.

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